KickStart aims to provide initial financial assistance to individuals who have robust business ideas without the means to move forward and implement them. We grant loans without any interest rates and we also do not require security for the loan. In the spirit of humanity, we trust individuals to repay the loan once their business venture is successful so we can use that money to help others just like them.
If you would like to apply for financial assistance, please download PDF application here, then submit it in person or via email. Alternatively, start online application. If you have any questions about KickStart, please email us on [email protected] or call us on +61 3 9081 7300.
The Foundation donates to a select group of worthy charities, that have a proven track record of genuinely helping those in need. This includes animals and nature.
A key decision making criteria is the percentage of donation that is used to run the organisation. We want our contribution to have maximum impact and therefore, we only support charities that keep their administration and fundraising costs below 25%
Please contact us if you have a worthy cause.